
Random Writings on Just About Everything.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The New(ish) Fall TV Season

So pretty much everything starting on TV this fall has premiered, and it's been decent but unspectacular.

Veronica Mars first ep was very good, and much more surefooted than it's second season premiere. Oh, and WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING IT!? End of public service message.

Lost felt it's tension jacked up, a nice change of pace from much of it's sophomore season.

Battlestar Galactica opened with a particularly strong 2-hour chunk that adequately pays off their "one year later" gambit.

Of the news shows that I've sampled, I've probably stuck the most with Studio 60, even though it seems deeply flawed. I've always been bugged by elements of Aaron Sorkin's writing, and Studio 60 is no exception to that trend. That said, it's engaging when it works, and Matthew Perry is surprisingly good as Sorkin's fiction-suited doppleganger.

I tried Kidnapped and found it ok, but it's quick cancellation notice made me hesitant to follow through to the end, even with the news that it's plots will be wrapped up. I'm just too busy to invest time in a show that's already been given the death sentence.

Heroes plays like a decent idea written for pretentious 4 year olds. I've only watched the pilot but was kinda irritated with the pedantic narration constantly trying to make sure that the viewer knows that "this is important, and it has no capes..." I've got a few more episodes queued up on the trusty Tivo which I'll probably get to shortly, but I'm not terribly optimisted...this has decent potential as a serial but really needs to find the right tone.

More thoughts on this stuff in the next week or so, and probably a post on The Wire once I catch up in a few days...


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